LG GT365BOX unlock by Octopus
GT365BOX from AT&T
Octopus box
Cable use KE500
-run software
-select unit
-connect unit
-Read eeprom
-Read code
power on unit put non accepted sim
put nck code readed by octupos
then restart unit

Octopus box
Cable use KE500
-run software
-select unit
-connect unit
-Read eeprom
-Read code
power on unit put non accepted sim
put nck code readed by octupos
then restart unit
Welcome to Octopus box software version 1.5.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform: LG Infineon Selected port: COM8 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: GT365 Please reconnect battery, press and hold power button... Phone found. Release power button. Sending loader...OK Reading info. Please wait... IMEI: 012294-00-400817-8 Disconnected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform: LG Infineon Selected port: COM8 Selected baudrate: 921600 Selected model: GT365 Please reconnect battery, press and hold power button... Phone found. Release power button. Sending loader...OK Reading info. Please wait... IMEI: 012294-00-400817-8 Selecting output file... Reading EEPROM into file "GT365-012294004008178.EEP"... Reading EEPROM done! Reading codes. Please wait... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock code: 9276 9888 MCC: 311 (United States of America) MNC: 18 To finish the operation, please perform the following steps: 1. Insert the original SIM card or Motorola Test card and type 2945#* 71001# 2. Enter code.
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